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NYC Local Law 97

About 3/4 of NYC greenhouse gas emissions are from buildings.
Inclusive on onsite fuel combustion and offsite electricity generation

Prior NYC local laws mostly focused on documenting energy usage.
Energy efficiency scores benchmarking usage, retro commissioning / audits and metering.

Local Law 97 is the centerpiece of the Climate Mobilization Act, which is comprised of Local Laws 92 - 96 as well.
The Act has also been called NYC Green Deal

LL-97 is the nation's most ambitious energy legislation to date.
As of year 2020

Have you heard? The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act allows commercial property owners to write off 100% of the investments they make in controls upgrades and retrofits in their taxes.
Click here to discover how owners can benefit from this federal law.

NYSERDA has programs designed to help reduce energy usage.
NYSERDA = New York State Energy and Development Authority

NYSERDA RTEM program is a cost sharing incentive program that partners with building owners and controls
system/service vendors.
RTEM = Real Time Energy Management

Applicable for retrofits and energy services involving smart building technologies.
Smart building technologies such as BMS systems and/or cloud-based analytics platforms.

Existing building owners must pay SBC on utilities bill to be applicable.
SBC = system benefits charge (in most cases buildings owners are already paying this charge)

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NYC Distech Controls Regional Sales Managers

Grant Butler
- Graduated with Honors from Pennsylvania State University in 2014, with a degree in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering and minored in Energy, Business, and Finance.
- As a petroleum engineer in Alaska, Grant implemented PLC systems on oil rigs in the frozen tundra. In New York City since 2016, he now utilizes his skills to help engineers and owners create controls specifications, sequences, and budgets.
- When he gets a moment, Grant likes to climb the steepest rock faces he can find as well as geek out on new tech. He is also an avid traveler who loves to save his vacation days for long adventures, such as his recent visit to India.
Contact Info:
- 917-588-1682

Anoop Mohan
- Earned his MBA from University of Technology Sydney and a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering from Madras University.
- Anoop grew up in the controls world, his parents had an engineering firm in Africa and he has traveled and lived throughout the world gaining exposure to how buildings are designed. He has worked on systems integration projects in places like Dubai and Australia and now resides in New York City.
- In his free time, Anoop loves to explore different boroughs on his bike as well as cook South Indian food for family and friends.
Contact Info:
- 917-599-7891