EC-Net Designer
ECLYPSE Designer can be used with EC-Net™ for small to large visualization and operation, graphical user interface applications. Hosted on an EC-BOSAX or EC-Net Supervisor it provides complete views of the BMS, with a custom-feel user interface that is “natively” responsive and does not require plug-ins or other add-ons.
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Spec Sheets
Document Type Description Updated view Spec Sheet Web-based graphic design and visualization interface 6/13/2019 view
Brand Distech Controls Product Type Software and Apps Subcategory ENVYSION Sales Regions US, OC, ME, EU, CSA, CA, AS
Technical Documents (e.g. Installation Instruction, MSDS, CAD)
Marketing Material (e.g. Brochures, Sell Sheets, FAQs)
Confidential Documents
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