For applications with large damper VAV boxes or existing damper actuators
- Cost effective controller to address all large or existing damper Variable Air Volume (VAV) applications
- 4 universal inputs
- 4 digital outputs (Triac)
- 2 universal outputs
- On-board drift-free and zero calibrated flow sensor reducing overall air flow balancing time
- 15 VDC power supply to power 4-20mA transducers
- Create advanced sequences with EC-gfxProgram to cover your specific VAV applications
- Supports up to 4 Allure series communicating sensors
- Open-to-Wireless™ Solution: support of up to 18 wireless battery-less inputs
- BTL® B-ASC BTL listed
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Spec Sheets
Document Type Description Updated view Spec Sheet BACnet B-ASC 11-Point programmable controllers 6/13/2019 view
Brand Distech Controls Product Type Room Control Solution Subcategory BACnet Sales Regions US, OC, ME, EU, CSA, CA, AS
Technical Documents (e.g. Installation Instruction, MSDS, CAD)
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